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It`s Been a While

I know. I haven't even visited my blog for six months. And  today, it feels like I need to allot a portion of my busy-as-a-bee mommy time to exhale and destress by sharing my thoughts and experiences. Thanks to blogging, by the way.

First of all, I don't remember that I posted something about my baby boy. The newest addition to our bundles of joy and the reason for my being preoccupied...but extremely happy. :)

Meet my adorable, cheerful and sweet baby Miguel Andrew. 

He's only 18 months but he gives us so much joy in the house. He makes me exhausted and full of joy at the same time. 

With all the household chores while caring for my 3kids that I'm trying to juggle everyday, I'm really hoping to have my "me" time at night (if my back is not yet begging for bed).I am a self-confessed OC mom who always wanted everything to be as close to perfection as possible especially when it comes to cleanliness. Well, that's another story. ;)

I've got a bunch of long overdue posts and I would like to share them in the next few days.

Here's to more sharing and posting! Cheers! :)


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