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Showing posts from February, 2014

How Politicians Took Advantage of the Persons With Disabilities During Campaign Period

(Late post)   It happened over a year ago, during election period. But I am certain that this post deserves a spot on my blog. It will touch many people’s hearts and probably call other people’s attention. Let us be more vigilant during these times especially to the families and loved ones of Persons With Disabilities. During election period, faces of politicians are all over the streets, from fiesta greetings, valentine greetings and graduation day greetings, banners and posters are everywhere. All the electoral candidates are doing everything just to capture everyone’s attention. Campaign rallies happen around the country and their main agenda is to encourage a lot of people from different public sectors to attend and listen to their never ending promises to be able to acquire as many votes as possible. Let me tell you a story that broke my heart with the reality with regards to election period which involves even the innocent child with special needs and persons with d

What’s the Best Tasting Milk for Pregnant Women?

I just gave birth five months ago. When I was still pregnant, I was given the chance to try three different kinds of milk that is best suitable for pregnant women. Every time I visit my OB-Gynecologist, there was always a sample of milk especially made for pregnant women given by the promo representatives of each milk in the waiting area. I have tried at least three of them and I would like to give you my honest opinions regarding its taste because this kinds of milk are known to have unpleasant taste since it is loaded with vitamins and essential nutrients so it is tend to taste like medicine even if it is flavored.