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Showing posts from January, 2013

Discounts and Privileges for the Persons With Disability

It was only last year when I heard about the PWD card that would give the persons with disability (PWD) the privileges entitled for their needs. The local government amended the Republic Act No. 7277, an act for providing for the rehabilitation, self development, and self reliance of persons with disability and their integration into the mainstream of society and for other purposes and otherwise known as The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, was passed in March 24, 1992. I am a proud mom of a six-year old child with special needs. He is my second child who was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay Syndrome. Ever since he was a baby, we noticed some of his traits on lack of potential at certain points of development that made us confused about what to do so we consulted to a Developmental Pediatrician. He was born as an eight-month premature baby boy, sickly and always in the hospital for a long period of time. We're taking good care of him with unconditional love and