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Mission: Saving Leftover Slivers of Soap from Flushing

I know, some of us moms experienced scolding their kids (including husbands) for not using a sliver of soap because it is not easy to use in the shower or in the bath. Soap isn't very expensive but any amount of waste adds up. I share the same dilemma because my teen son used to open a new box of bath soap after dumping the thin one (not too thin after all) into the toilet bowl.

Some of you might be looking for ways on how to make it useful, oh well, not all moms are "OC" like me but I bet, you're going to love this idea which I included in trillions of my tasks.

If you're soap is too thin already that it might break into two pieces when wet, you can try these easy steps.

1. Prepare a whole new bath soap. You're going to replace the thin one, of course.

2. Get it wet. If the new bar is wet, the slivers of soap will blend right in. 

3. Get your leftover sliver of soap, make sure that it is already lithe and may be able  to mold with hands. Make it wet also.

4. Put together the two soaps by pressing it firmly but make sure that it wouldn't slip away from the other.

5. Let it dry for at least an hour before using and you'll see that it sticks as if you put an adhesive between the two soaps.

Now, you're ready to use the leftover slivers of soap. There's nothing to waste anymore by just following these easy steps. Wink!  :)


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